Let me tell you something. I never thought I would love doing studio photography when I first started on my photography journey. I loved shooting outdoors and not having to worry about carrying around lighting and just having the freedom to shoot wherever I wanted. While I still do love natural light and outdoor settings, studio photography has my heart now.
I absolutely love having a home studio. I love building different sets and man it’s nice not having to worry about the weather. I’m a hot natured gal and I swear Georgia summers are trying to kill me. They have to be. There’s just no other explanation as to why it’s so hot and humid until basically November around here.
-Studio Photography-
Anywhoo……this is a session I did for my friend Meredith. Meredith is my friend, neighbor and also a fellow photographer! She mainly shoots high school seniors and also does headshots and branding. Check out her work here if you’re in the market for that. She’s fantastic!!
She has two precious daughters, Katherine and Claire. They are often my guinea pigs when I need to test something out in the studio. And dare I say, they might be the best guinea pigs ever because they always show up in the sweetest little outfits and with the most precious smiles! Anyway, here are just a few images from one of our studio sessions.
You can always click here to see more examples of my studio photography portfolio!